Tradeshow Tidbits

Tradeshow tidbitsRecently we stopped by the regional Riccardi Brothers paint tradeshow: a big room full of stuff that, okay, maybe only a painter could really love.

But it’s important to us to go to these shows to stay on top of what products our suppliers are rolling out. If there’s a tool out there that can help us do a better job for our clients, we’re on board!

This time around, our favorite find was some new options in the world of painters’ tape. We use tons of that stuff to hold down protective plastic without damaging any surfaces, that sort of thing. Add that to durable hard-floor protection paper, the sweetest brush and roller designs, and the coolest functional add-ons to our shopvac/sander apparatus, and we’re kids in a candy shop. And enjoying free food and drink, don’t mind if we do…

Even the paint we use now is better than the paint we used two years ago. We’re experimenting with some of those new tapes now to see if they live up to their hype. The trades are constantly benefiting from technological advances, and if you’re looking into a painting company, make sure they’re staying abreast of the latest developments in their field!